Gifts of Healings
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of being with the Church in Peterborough. I felt while I was there the Lord wanted to activate people in the gifts of the Spirit. Throughout the morning, a few people brought prophetic words and words of knowledge from the Holy Spirit. I had felt that I needed to pray for someone who had hearing loss. A beautiful young lady was brought to the front that had two hearing aids and could barely hear normal conversation from two feet away without them. Her mom took out the hearing aids and I laid my hands on her and prayed. No apparent result. I laid my hands on her ears and prayed again. Nothing… Two other people in the congregation felt the Lord say to anoint her ears with oil. This was done with no evidence of healing except our faith in God’s promise. (Isaiah 53:4, 1Pet2:24) I could have walked away from that situation, discouraged or embarrassed. But if it’s not about you, and about the people your praying for, there’s no reason for embarrassment is there…?! Well praise God I just got a report from a person from the Church. They said this girl has been to the doctor and they had to recalibrate her hearing aids because her hearing is being restored…! Isn’t our God awesome..! You do what God prompts you to do by His Spirit and let god take care of bringing it to pass. It’s our obedience and His power…! I am believing that this girl is soon not going to need hearing aids any more…! Thank you Jesus for the power of your name..!
Hey Todd: Each week Anna gets better and better, to the point where complete healing is now within her reach. This has been a truly awesome event, and has stirred the faith of so many. Continue pressing in, for there are so many gifts of healing that are needed for the people in the church and in the world.
Bill Clark, at 9:49 AM
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